No, I'm not talking about my hair - being the natural fair-skinned brunette that I am, I never had the confidence to go blond. No, I'm talking about my family roots. I'm an avid
Today Show watcher, and the series they ran a couple weeks ago about tracing family roots has really inspired me. It may help that as the wedding day quickly approaches, I find myself remembering more and more those who are with me in spirit, and wondering what they would think of my new venture into family life.
There are apparently a lot of helpful resources online for researching one's family history. The article, "
Tracing your own family roots," from the Today Show provides several resources to start with. seems to have a lot of helpful
forms and charts to use on my search.
So, I think that I am going to embark on the journey of figuring out my family tree. Who knows? Maybe I'll be able to incorporate it somehow into the wedding...although, I'm not so sure I can convince the husband-to-be that it'd be a good idea for him to do the same be continued...